Understanding what your buyer persona is looking for will help you determine if there’s a need for your product or service.
Do you know who your best customers are?
If not, you need to start building your audience persona.
A buyer persona is a composite sketch of your best customers based on the information you’ve compiled about them.
Put together your research into those interested in your products or services;
These personas let you use accurate data to inform everything, from where you promote your content to what kinds of content you should be creating.
When working on your personas, it’s crucial to keep them current, accurate, and actionable.
When you build content or an advertising campaign, you have a solid foundation for what will resonate with your audience.
Here are ten ways to build your audience persona.
- Goals and Objectives
The first step to an outstanding buyer persona is digging into its goals and objectives.
What do they need help with?
What are their problems?
What questions do they have?
You can get specific here – even going so far on listing their particular challenges and how they’re going about solving them.
Understanding what your buyer persona is looking for will help you determine if there’s a need for your product or service.
And also give you a clear idea of the kind of language they respond to so that you can ensure your messaging is on point.
- Demographics
When creating a buyer persona, you need to know their age, location, and more – precisely, the social media channels they frequent most often.
Not every person you might be trying to sell will fit this description;
Top-level demographics let you narrow your target audience to create messaging and content that resonates with those who are most likely to respond.
- Social Media Channel Preference
Social media channel preferences are among the best ways to determine where your buyer persona spends their time online.
You can survey which channels they prefer and what types of posts they react to the most where they’re most active.
- Media Consumption Habits
What does your buyer persona like to read?
What types of digital content do they enjoy consuming?
Do they spend a lot of time on YouTube, or are they more likely to engage with infographics and other visuals?
Digging into their media consumption habits is another way you can start to paint a picture of what kind of content gets the best response.
- Device Preference
People are more mobile than ever, but their device preference still matters regarding social media marketing.
Knowing which devices your audience prefers can help you determine not only how they’ll be consuming your messaging but also where they might be when they do – so you can make sure your posts are available to them at all times.
- Demographic + Social Media Channel Preference + Media Consumption Habits + Device Preference = Persona
After pulling together this information, it’s essential to go back and look at how it fits together. For instance,
what does it mean if your persona is on Pinterest but prefers to read articles on their mobile device?
What might that tell you about the kinds of content they’re looking for?
- Motivations
Once you have a good idea of your ideal customer’s demographics, social media channel preference, media consumption habits, and device preference,
It’s time to dig into their motivations.
Why are they looking for your product or service?
What problems are they trying to solve?
Are they looking for practical advice, or do they want inspirational stories that offer a path toward success?
- Pain Points
While your buyer persona is likely interested in the solutions, your product offers,
It’s as important to note what might keep them from taking action.
What are the roadblocks that could be holding them back?
What problems do they need to solve before they’re ready to buy?
- Social Networks
Your audience persona will use social networks for different reasons.
Some feel part of a community, some because it’s essential to their job, some because it’s the fastest way for them to get news online.
Knowing which networks they use can help you identify key influencers who have a big say in whether your brand gets the attention you need.
- Time Spent on Social Networks
What kinds of content does your audience persona prefer? How often do they visit social networks?
While it’s essential to understand which networks they use, their time on each one is also crucial.
Knowing how long people are spending on your social media channels can help you determine what type of content gets the most attention – and how you can tailor that content, so it pops.
If they use Pinterest, read articles on their mobile device, are motivated by finding practical advice and want to feel part of a community.
Read our recent article on how to Uncover your USPs to your leads
So what does this mean for your business?
It means that to create successful social media marketing campaigns, you need to start by creating buyer personas.
By doing so, you can ensure that your messaging is relevant and exciting to the audiences you’re trying to reach.
And if you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry – we can help!
Contact us today for more information about how business insights can help improve your social media marketing strategy.