The study is starting by taking a snapshot of how sustainable or otherwise businesses rate themselves today. From there it will look at what big themes and great ideas emerge and look to promote these for people to follow the leaders.
If you care about the environment, just as we do, please get involved and help share your opinions and ideas.
So far, business in six different countries have been invited to participate, and the hope is that all of these can share the survey with their network, so they can increase participation and gain more useable results.
Obviously, we at Pendleton are in the management consulting field, but our clients come from a huge range of sectors, so we are able to generate a wide range of data, but if you and every other person reading this shares it with 3-5 business owners the survey will expand exponentially.
So please get behind it too, and show you care!
Tibe van Valderen, the author of the survey said “It’s great to have the support of a global business coaching firm like Pendleton, to get the survey out there.
I’m very excited to hear back from all the businesses around the world, take a temperature check on sustainability and work out how we can share the best ideas as widely as possible.
Stay connected!”.
Robbie Duncanson and the Pendleton team!