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Quick fixes don’t work in business

Team Pendleton

People always want a quick fix when trying to grow.

A classic example is Marcus, my younger boy, who always wanted to be as tall as his big brother Luca to reach the next hold at the climbing wall.
As long as you provide the right energy, growth in kids is incremental, just as it is in life or business!

So, is the answer to sit back and wait for growth?

Growth comes from many sources, and if you wait until you are physically capable, you won’t even reach the next hold.
The honest answer is to create good habits!  And to prepare!

Clients going through my Business Waterwheel™ often say, “My problem is not enough Leads!” They focus on one area, pay someone to fix it, and guess what – they get rubbish leads because they are in a loose Niche, or they can’t convert because of their sales technique cant handle volume.

You have to look at the problem of growth holistically!

When the time comes, focusing on making minor, incremental improvements to every area of your life will give you the energy and fitness to make growth count.

Check out how we took a little business to a 7-figure business, reliably and repeatedly, over seven years, below…

That’s real #BusinessGrowth!

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