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3 secrets to successful goal setting; LEADS, NICHE, CONVERSION

Team Pendleton

Focus on leads, niche, and conversion, and you’ll be sure to find success.

Setting and achieving business goals is essential to growth.
The first step to any successful goal is having a plan and taking actionable steps towards it.
But what’s often overlooked is the importance of setting the right goals in the first place.
Too often, businesses set goals that are either not specific enough or not aligned with their overall strategy.
As a result, they waste time and resources on activities that don’t move them closer to their desired outcome.
But what’s the best way to set goals that will help your business succeed?
You need to know three secrets to successful goal setting: leads, niche, and conversion.

This blog post will discuss each of these secrets in detail and show you how to apply them to your business.
Let’s get started!

Read our recent article 10 Most Common Pitfalls when Growing Your Business


LEADS is an acronym for Location, Environment, Audience and Demographics.

You need to know where your target market hangs out online and offline.

Who is your target audience?

What type of environment do they prefer?

What are their demographics?

Leads are the lifeblood of any business.

Without a steady stream of leads, your business will struggle to grow. That’s why it’s so important to set goals that focus on generating more leads. One way to do this is to develop a goal to double your lead generation in the next quarter. This will ensure that you constantly bring in new customers and grow your business.

High Tips for getting more leads

-Generate a list of potential customers

-Use social media to reach out to potential customers

-Attend events and trade shows

-Run ads and campaigns specifically targeting leads

How to apply leads to your business. 

If you want to grow your business, you need to focus on generating more leads.
One way to do this is to set a goal to double your lead generation in the next quarter.
This will ensure that you constantly bring in new customers and grow your business.
To achieve this goal, be sure to generate a list of potential customers, use social media to reach out to them, and attend events and trade shows.
You can also run ads and campaigns specifically targeting leads.


NICHE is an acronym for Needs, Interests, Challenges and Hopes.

You need to know what your target market’s needs are.

What are their interests?

What challenges do they face?

What hopes do they have?

When you’re first starting, it’s important to find your niche.
This is the group of people you’ll target with your product or service.
Once you’ve found your niche, you can then set goals specifically tailored to them.
For example, if you’re selling a new type of software, your plan might be to get 100 customers in the first month.
This way, you can ensure that you’re reaching your target market and growing your business.

High tips for niche building

-Do your research

-Find a niche that you’re passionate about

-Be prepared to specialize

How to apply niche to your business 

If you want to find your niche, think about who would be most interested in your product or service. Once you’ve found your niche, you can then set goals that are specifically tailored to them. For example, if you’re selling a new type of software, your plan might be to get 100 customers in the first month. This way, you can ensure that you’re reaching your target market and growing your business.


CONVERSION is an acronym for Call to Action, Offer and Incentive.

You need to have a strong call to action that speaks to your target market’s needs, interests, challenges and hopes.

Your offer must be irresistible, and your incentive must be compelling.

Conversion is key to any business.

It’s the process of turning leads into customers.

Without conversion, your business will struggle to grow.
That’s why it’s so important to set goals that focus on increasing your conversion rate.
One way to do this is to develop a goal to increase your conversion rate by 20% in the next quarter. This will ensure that you’re constantly growing your business by turning more leads into customers.

If you can master these three elements of successful goal setting, you will be well to achieve your business goals.

High tips for conversion success

-Follow up with leads

-Offer a free trial or demo

-Make it easy to buy

How to apply the conversion to your business

If you want to grow your business, you need to focus on increasing your conversion rate.
One way to do this is to set a goal to increase your conversion rate by 20% in the next quarter.
This will ensure that you’re constantly growing your business by turning more leads into customers.
To achieve this goal, follow up with leads, offer a free trial or demo, and make it easy to buy.
You’ll be well on your way to success by doing these things.

By following these three secrets, you’ll be well on your way to setting achievable goals and helping grow your business. Remember to focus on leads, niche, and conversion, and you’ll be sure to find success.

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